Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: M/65 Right leg masses. Previously excised, now recur. Excisional biopsy of the smaller mass.
Intended diagnosis: Myofibroma. Contributed by:FML
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Myofibroma (100%) nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma, 100% nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma. 100% nil  100
anonymous myofibroma nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma. 100% nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma 100% This benign myofibrobastic lesion generally does not recur. In this case it might be due to previous incomplete excision.  100
anonymous Myofibroma (100%) nil  100
anonymous solitary myofibroma nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma 100% nil  100
anonymous Perivascular myoid tumour (100%) This tumour shows haemangiopericytoma-like areas and myoid nodules with hyaline/ myxoid changes. Differential diagnosis includes glomanigopericytoma vs. myofibroma. Both may be considered as a spectrum of tumours showing perivascular myoid differentiation.  50
anonymous Myofibroma nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma. Probability : 100% nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma 100% nil  100
anonymous SOFT TISSUE - MYOFIBROMA. nil  100