Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: M/19. 5 years Hx of bowel disease, presenting with chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. On treatment, but relapse recently. Colonic Bx from transverse, descending & sigmoid colon(mounted on same slides in sequence)
Intended diagnosis: Crohn's disease. Contributed by:MST
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Crohn's disease (100%) nil  100
anonymous Crohn’s disease nil  100
anonymous COLITIS with granuloma, consistent with CROHN’S DISEASE To perform histochemical stains: Ziehl-Neelsen and Grocott to exclude acid-fast bacilli and fungi respectively  100
anonymous Crohn's disease nil  100
anonymous Granulomatous colitis consistent with Crohn's disease. 100% To exclude tuberculosis by ZN stain, culture and PCR x TB.  100
anonymous Benign ulcer and presence of granuloma, suggestive of Crohn's disease.(100%) Do Ziehl Neelsen and Grocott stains to exclude mycobacterial and fungal infection.  100
anonymous Colon biopsies - chronic active colitis of inflammatory bowel disease, favour Crohn's disease. 100% One out of three biopsies show almost normal looking mucosa - suggesting skip lesion in Crohn's.  100
anonymous Inflammatory bowel disease (100%), favouring Crohn's Bugs stains : ZN, grocott to rule out infection of acid fast bacilli, fungi  100
anonymous Crohn's disease. 100% nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory bowel disease, Consistent with Crohn’s disease with focal alteration, suggestive of mild dysplasia at transverse colon. nil  100
anonymous Colon, biopsies from transverse, descending and sigmoid colon - Consistent with Crohn's disease. nil  100
anonymous Active chronic colitis with ulcers, granulomas and skip lesions, favor Crohn’s disease Need to correlate with clinical, radiological and microbiological findings.  100
anonymous Consistent with crohn’s disease, indefinite for dysplasia (100% probability) nil  100
anonymous Granulomatous colitis, consistent with Crohn's disease (100%) Need to exclude mycobacterial infection by performing Ziehl-Neelsen stain  100
anonymous COLON, biopsy - Inflammatory bowel disease, consistent with Crohn's disease (100%) nil  100