Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: M49 Left forearm subcutaneous nodules
Intended diagnosis: Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma. Contributed by:JKCC
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Spindle cell haemangioendothelioma (100%) nil  100
anonymous Spindle cell Haemangioendothelioma. 100% nil  100
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma. 100% nil  100
anonymous SUBCUTIS, left forearm subcutaneous nodules : SPINDLE CELL HAEMANGIOENDOTHELIOMA (100%) First described as a low grade angiosarcoma. Now, many people favour a non-neoplastic process, likely reactive or vascular malformation.  100
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioma (100%) nil  100
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma This tumor is first described as a low-grade malignant tumor, but recent evidences suggest that it is benign.  100
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma. 100% nil  100
anonymous spindel cell hemangioma nil  95
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma 100% Nil  100
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma (100%) nil  100
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma 100% nil  100
anonymous Spindle cell haemangenothelioma 100%  100
anonymous Spindle Cells Haemangioendothelioma 100% nil  100
anonymous Spindle-cell haemangioendothelioma 100% 1. Immunohistochemical staining for endothelial markers (F8, CD34, etc.). 2. The present case has areas reminiscent of Kaposi's sarcoma. Further enquiry into the clinical course of illness is advisable. 3. Some cases of spindle-cell haemangioendothelioma are associated with Maffucci's syndrome.  100
anonymous Hemangioendothelioma 100% nil  50
anonymous Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma. (100%) Nil  100
anonymous Spindle cell haemangioendothelioma 100% nil  100
anonymous spindle cell hemangioendothelioma nil  100