Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: M/98, congestive heart failure.
Intended diagnosis: Amyloidosis. Contributed by:PKH
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Amyloidosis (100%) nil  100
anonymous Amyloidosis and Heart failure changes, 100% congo red stain to show APple green birefringence under polarized light  100
anonymous Amyloidosis. 100% Confirmed by Congo red stain.  100
anonymous senile cardiac amyloidosis (70%) dilated cardiomyopathy (30%) The following special stains to be performed: Congo Red stain to highlight amyloid deposits salmon red and use polarise light to demonstrate APple green birefringence. Massons Trichome stain to highlight interstitial fibrosis.  100
anonymous Amyloidosis Confirm by Congo red stain  100
anonymous Amyloidosis. 100% The amyloid will be stained red by Congo red, giving APple-green birefringence under polarized light.  100
anonymous Amyloidosis of the heart nil  100
anonymous Senile cardiac amyloidosis 100% nil  100
anonymous Amyloidosis (100%) To confirm by Congo Red stain.  100
anonymous amyloidosis nil  100
anonymous Amyloidosis 100% This can be confirmation with Congo red or crystal violet staining.  100
anonymous A form of degenerative / infiltrative "cardiomyopathy". Need to consider amyloidosis. - Amyloidosis can be confirmed by Congo red stain. - However, the patchy pattern of involvement and lack of vasculopathy is unusual for amyloidosis. If Congo red is negative, need to consider differential diagnosis including toxicity (e.g. catecholamine or drug-induced cardiomyopathy). Suggest detailed clinical history, and EM study may be indicated. - Unlikely to be ischaemic or infective processes.  100
anonymous Senile cardiac amyloidosis nil  100
anonymous Amyloidosis. Probability : 100% Confirmed by Congo red stain.  100
anonymous Amyloidosis 100% Confirm by congo red stain; senile systemic amyloidosis has to be considered.  100
anonymous HEART - AMYLOIDOSIS. nil  100