Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: F/76 Gastric polyp on endoscopy.
Intended diagnosis: Inflammatory fibroid polyp. Contributed by:JKCC
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp. (100%) nil  100
anonymous inflammatory fibroid polyp nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp (100%) nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp in a background of chronic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia. 100% Remote possibility: to do S100 to exclude neuromatous proliferation eg. ganglioneuromatosis and Cowden's syndrome etc.  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp.(100%) nil  100
anonymous Gastric polyp - Peutz-Jegher polyp and neurofibroma 85% Involvement of polyp by GIST 15% Immunohistochemical workup required (S100 protein, CD117, CD34)  30
anonymous Adenomyomatous hamartoma, benign 100% nil  30
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp. 100%. nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp. nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp with intestinal metaplasia. (100%) nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp (100%) nil  100
anonymous Favour: inflammatory fibroid polyp, ddx: hamartomatous polyp, perform CD34 (100% Probability) nil  100
anonymous inflammatory fibroid polyp nil  100
anonymous Inflammatory fibroid polyp. nil  100