Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: 86 year-old female with an inguinal mass. Clinically thought to be a calcified lymph node.
Intended diagnosis: Angiomyomatous harmatoma of lymph node. Contributed by:JKCC
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph node (100%) -  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma of inguinal lymph node, 100%. Nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma, 100% Nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma of inguinal lymph node (100%) Nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma. 100%. Nil.  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma 100% nil  100
anonymous Inguinal Lymph node - angiomyomatous hamartoma Nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph node (100%) Nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph node 100% nil  100
anonymous ANGIOMYOMATOUS HAMARTOMA 100% Nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph node 100% Nil  100
anonymous ANGIOMYOMATOUS HAMARTOMA of LYMPH NODE. Probability:100% Nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph node 100% nil  100
anonymous Angiomyomatous Hamartoma (100%) Nil  100