Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: M/46. Right thigh nodule. Post-renal transplant. History of meningitis.
Intended diagnosis: Cryptococcosis. Contributed by:PKH
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Granulomatous inflammation, Cryptococcus infection (100%) To confirm with Grocott stain  100
anonymous Cryptococcal granuloma nil  100
anonymous Cryptococcal infection nil  100
anonymous Cryptococcal infection nil  100
anonymous Cryptococcosis nil  100
anonymous Cryptococcosis nil  100
anonymous Cryptococcoma 100% Mucicarmine stain will highlight the gelatinous capsules of the organisms.  100
anonymous Cryptococcal infection nil  100
anonymous cryptococcal infection nil  100
anonymous Granulomatous Inflammatory process with presence of fungi, consistent with Cryptococcus sp. nil  100
anonymous SKIN, right thigh nodule - GRANULOMATOUS INFLAMMATION with FUNGAL INFECTION, morphologically consistent with CRYPTOCOCCUS. Suggest mucicarmine, Grocott's and Periodic acid Schiff stains for confirmation. nil  100
anonymous Fungal infection, Differential diagnosis includes Cryptococcus infection and Histoplasmosis. Correlate with clinical history including travel history, as well as microbiological culture result.  100
anonymous Cryptococcal infection. (100%) Mucicarmine stain would be performed to highlight the fungal capsule.  100
anonymous cryptococcosis (100%) nil  100
anonymous Skin - Cryptococcal infection (100% probability) nil  100
anonymous Cryptococcal infection nil  100
anonymous Cryptococcal infection 100% Perform Grocott stain to confirm presence of fungal organisms, other special stains to rule out bacterial and mycobacterial infection. Correlation with microbiological studies will be helpful.  100
anonymous Cryptococcosis infection. nil  100