Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: F/49. Incidental finding of lung shadow on Chest X-ray. CT scan showed anterior mediastinal mass. Thymectomy performed. In surgical specimen 7.8 x 7 x 3.5 cm solid tumor seen
Intended diagnosis: Type AB thymoma, minimally invasive. Contributed by:JKCC
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Thymoma, type AB (100%) nil  90
anonymous Type AB thymoma, aggressive nil  90
anonymous Invasive mixed type A/B thymoma nil  100
anonymous Type AB thymoma, minimally invasive. nil  100
anonymous Invasive thymoma, type AB. It's better to confirm invasion by deeper sections to demonstrate continuous and complete transcapsular spread. nil  100
anonymous Type AB thymoma, minimally invasive nil  100
anonymous Thymoma, Type AB 100% Thorough sampling to exclude capsular invasion, before diagnosing Encapsulated Thymoma.  95
anonymous Type AB Thymoma, minimally invasive nil  100
anonymous invasive thymoma, type AB nil  100
anonymous Thymoma, AB type (WHO classification). nil  90
anonymous THYMUS, thymectomy - THYMOMA, - type AB, - minimally invasive (transcapsular invasion to mediastinal fat). nil  100
anonymous Thymoma, type AB, with focal invasion. Further sampling is recommended.  100
anonymous Thymoma, type AB. (100%) No invasion is identified in the section provided.  90
anonymous type AB thymoma, with microscopic invasion, resection margin not involved. (100%) nil  100
anonymous Mediastinum - Thymoma type AB, with microscopic capsular invasion (stage II). (100% probability) nil  100
anonymous Thymoma AB type nil  90
anonymous Thymoma, type AB (WHO) 100% nil  90
anonymous Thymoma. Type AB. nil  90