Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

QAP Peer Review

Case History: F/62. Right calf 1.9-cm mass
Intended diagnosis: Myofibroma. Contributed by:JKCC
Code Diagnosis Comment Score
anonymous Myofibroma. (100%) nil  100
anonymous soft tissue myoepithelioma nil  50
anonymous Myofibroma (100%) Correlate clinically for solitary or multicentric lesions  100
anonymous Myofibroma nil  100
anonymous myofibroma actin+, vimentin+, S100-  100
anonymous Myofibroma.(100%) nil  100
anonymous Calf mass - myofibroma 100% nil  100
anonymous Benign chondromyxoid spindle cell tumor. Differential diagnoses: Myoepithelioma with chondromyxoid stroma (80%), chondroid syringoma (10%), myofibroma (10%) More sampling of the tumor essential to rule out any ductal component. Immunostaining for S-100 protein, actin, desmin, vimentin, p63 and cytokeratin helps. Myoepithelioma (S-100 protein, actin, p63 positive).  50
anonymous Myofibroma 70%. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 30%. nil  70
anonymous Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. nil  0
anonymous RIGHT CALF MASS - MYOFIBROMA nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma (100%) nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma nil  100
anonymous myofibroma (100%) nil  100
anonymous Myofibroma (100% Probability) nil  100
anonymous Angioleiomyoma with myxoid change Immunostains for smooth muscle actin, CD34 and CD31  80
anonymous Myofibroma. nil  100