Qap (Anatomical Pathology) 

Case: AP154
Contributor's Comment: Calcifying fibrous pseudotumor is a recently described distinctive lesion, characterized by the presence of abundant hyalinized collagen with psammomatous or dystrophic calcifications and a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. There is no resemblance to fibromatosis (50 marks deducted from participant 517). Participant 815 labelled this case as "Aponeurotic fibrotic pseudotumor", which is not found in standard textbooks and literature search. From the lesion name, it is correct in at least two words and worth a score of 70 marks. The term "Calcifying fibrous tumor" has been suggested in one article which points out that there is no convincing evidence to support an association between calcifying fibrous pseudotumor and inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor.

Reference: Nascimento AF, Ruiz R, Hornick JL, Fletcher CD. Calcifying fibrous 'pseudotumor': clinicopathologic study of 15 cases and analysis of its relationship to inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. Int J Surg Pathol 2002;10:189-196.